Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Beras Titih (Hybrid Rice)


“Nama TITIH ini dicadangkan kerana memandangkan semangat kental yang ditunjukkan 
oleh masyarakat Brunei yang suka bertani iatu bertanam padi. Aktiviti bertanam padi ini 
telah dipraktikkan dari zaman dahulu lagi hinggalah sekarang, iaitu menggunakan cara 
tradisional sehinggalah adanya cara moden.

Secara tidak langsung, perkataan TITIH juga melihatkan jati diri masyarakat Brunei 
yang sangat gigih berusaha di dalam melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan.
Maka dengan berlatar belakangkan kegigihan (jati diri) orang-orang (masyarakat) 
Brunei dalam bercucuk tanaman inilah saya menamakan beras baharu ini dengan 

Keterangan daripada Abang Hariz bin Abang Hadzman
Pemenang Pertandingan Mencipta Nama Beras
Anjuran Jabatan Pertanian dan Agrimakanan
Kementerian Perindustrian dan Sumber-Sumber Utama


TITIH merupakan perkataan Melayu Brunei yang membawa pengertian rajin dan 
cermat dalam melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan.  Ini menggambarkan sifat titih dalam jati 
diri orang Brunei itu sudah tertanam sejak turun-temurun dan sudah sebati dalam diri 
mereka terutama dalam melakukan apa jua pekerjaan yang berkebajikan.

Sesuai dengan suasana sekarang, sikap TITIH harus ditonjolkan dan diperkenalkan 
kepada generasi muda, agar mereka faham dan mengambil iktibar yang sebaiknya 
daripada titih atau ketitihan orang-orang tua Brunei yang rajin, cermat dan selalu berkarih 
dengan sabar dalam melakukan apa jua pekerjaan yang menjadi sumber rezeki untuk 
menampung keperluan keluarga, di samping menjadi sumber pendapatan.

Perkataan TITIH juga harus dipertahankan dan disebarluaskan melalui nama barangan 
yang bersesuaian termasuklah nama jenama BERAS TITIH.  Dengan demikian usaha 
ini akan dapat memperkenalkan nama tersebut bukan sahaja di dalam negara malah 
juga di luar negara.

Berdasarkan pandangan tersebut, panel hakim telah sepakat untuk menulus perkataan 
BERAS TITIH untuk diangkat menjadi pemenang dan sekali gus dicadangkan sebagai 
nama baru bagi Varieti Beras Hibrid Pertama.

Keterangan ciri-ciri agronomik bagi Beras Titih

Ketinggian pokok (cm)   107.6
Tempoh Kematangan (hari)   115
Jumlah Tangkai Padi   15
Panjang Biji Padi (cm)   1.07
Lebar Biji Padi (cm)    0.233
Timbangan seribu butir (g)   24.26
Purata Hasil     5.65

Keterangan kandungan nutrien bagi Beras Titih

Tenaga (Kcal)     349.3
Protein (g)     8.8
Lemak (g)     0.3
Karbohidrat (g)    77.8
Serat (%)     0.3

Excerpt from DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE and AGRIFOOD, Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Name that rice

Name new hybrid padi variety

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
THE Department of Agriculture and Agrifood is organising a rice-naming competition for a new hybrid rice variety which will soon be produced and promoted on a large scale in Brunei Darussalam.

The competition is open to all citizens and permanent residents of Brunei with no charge of registration, said the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources in a statement.

The proposed name must portray an image of Brunei and reflect sustainable development of the rice industry of the Sultanate. It must be original and has not been used for other rice varieties, said the ministry.

The proposed name for the new hybrid rice should preferably consist of not more than two words and each word must contain not more than six letters.

In the event, no suitable name can be chosen from the entries, the Department of Agriculture andAgrifood reserves the right to choose a name from its own list.

The closing date for submission of entries is Thursday, September 15, 2011. The winner of the competition will receive a cash prize of $1,000.

Entry forms are available at the Department of Agriculture and Agrifood headquarters. Online forms can also be obtained from the department's website

Completed forms must be submitted to the designated box at the reception area of the department's headquarters during office hours.

Participants outside the Brunei-Muara district can also submit their entries by post to Rice Team Secretariat (Competition), Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources, Lapangan Terbang Lama, Berakas, Bandar Seri Begawan BB3510.

Entry forms can also be submitted through e-mails to

Interested individuals should register their names with the Department of Agriculture and AgrifoodHeadquarters at the Old Airport Road in Berakas during office hours. Only one submission from each applicant will be accepted for the competition, and all submitted entries will become the property of the department.

The competition is not open for officers and staff of the Department of Agriculture and Agrifood, Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources. The organiser reserves the right to disqualify entries that do not follow the rules and regulations of the competition.

For more information, contact the department at 2683489.

The Brunei Times

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Vietnam rice demand lifts prices

Vietnam rice demand lifts prices

A woman sells rice at a street in Hanoi,Vietnam. The world's second largest exporter of the grain is set to sign supply deals with Malaysia and East Timor in the next five months. Picture: EPA
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
VIETNAM, the world's second-largest rice exporter after Thailand, is expected to sign deals for a combined 350,000 tonnes of the grain with Malaysia and East Timor between now and the end of the year, a state-run newspaper reported on Tuesday.!

New demand has emerged from Chinese buyers and Philippine private firms which have come to Vietnam to seek rice, the Vietnam Economic Times newspaper said, lifting prices this week.!

The contract with Malaysia would be 200,000 tonnes and the remaining 150,000 tonnes would be sold to East Timor, the newspaper said, after Vietnam has struck a major deal to sell 500,000 tonnes to Indonesia. !

The deals put Vietnam on track to reach a rice shipment record of between 7.0 million and 7.4 million tonnes of the grain this year, after exporting a record 6.83 million tonnes in 2010. !

Malaysia ranks third after Indonesia and the Philippines among the top Vietnamese rice buyers so far this year, having taken 310,000 tonnes in the first half, a surge of 71.43 per cent from a year ago, the agriculture ministry said.!

Vietnamese exporters have so far signed deals to export around 6 million tonnes of rice, including the latest deal with Indonesia's state procurement agency Bulog, the newspaper reported.!


Bulog and Vinafood 2, Vietnam's largest rice exporter, have agreed on a price of US$498 a tonne, free-on-board basis, for all the 500,000 tonnes of 15 per cent broken variety, a trader at a foreign company in Ho Chi Minh City told Reuters.!

Last week Vietnamese traders said the deal may have included the 5-per cent broken and 15-per cent broken grades for a total of 500,000 tonnes. !

The latest deal, plus demand from Chinese and Philippine buyers who have been seeking to buy directly from small firms in Vietnam's Mekong Delta food basket, has helped raised rice prices now at the peak of a major harvest, the newspaper said.!

China has emerged as one of Vietnam's top 10 rice buyers this year, having bought nearly 220,000 tonnes of the grain in the first half of this year, agriculture ministry data show. It did not buy from Vietnam in the first half of 2010.!

The Philippines, the world's biggest rice buyer in recent years, cut its rice imports to 860,000 tonnes this year from a record 2.45 million in 2010. !

Summer-autumn rice grade 2, used to process the 15-percent broken and 25-percent broken varieties, rose to 8,200-8,480 dong (39.9-41.2 US cents) per kg in the Delta province of An Giang yesterday, from 8,150-8,250 dong per kg last Friday, when the news broke on the deal with Indonesia.!

Meanwhile, Thailand may release some of its rice stocks into the domestic market if it sees any shortage, a government official said yesterday, after speculators were reported to be hoarding grain, expecting prices to rise under an incoming government.!

"We have around 2 million tonnes of milled rice in stocks, ready to be sold at any time if there is any tightness in the domestic market. However, we don't see any shortage at this moment," said Anukul Tamprasit, president of the Public Warehouse Organisation (PWO). Reuters

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Farm visit by Biology students and Herbology club of Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Billah College

Briefing by the proprietor before heading down the field.

A few of the students experienced hands-on paddy planting.

Close inspection of Padi Laila.

A token of appreciation presented by Biology teacher Mr Sivanathan.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

SRI - System of Rice Intensification

SRI is not exactly a new method of rice farming, nor is it a radical departure from the traditional method of rice farming. It was developed in 1983 in Madagascar and has been adopted by many countries all over the world since 1999. We are also not the first rice farmers in Brunei to use SRI but we are definitely, currently, the only farm in Brunei that is using the system and yielding great success both in quality and quantity of harvest.

SRI is a work in progress, with improvements continually being made, including better implements and techniques that further reduce farming input requirements. Yield is the most evident (and controversial) feature of SRI, so it is only natural that there are sceptisms that befell the credibility of the system, which is evident by the poor reception and acceptance of the system by our local rice farming community. But many other considerations are also driving the SRI's spread around the world. So through this blog we intend to share our success story including the trials and tribulations experienced for the benefit of Bruneian rice farmers as well as globally.

So what is SRI? In a nutshell SRI is a method of increasing production yield of rice farming while at the same time reducing the requirement of chemical inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, as well as reducing the requirement for seed and water (depending on rice variety).

By utilising the SRI system, we have managed to more than double the production of rice per acre. The local rice farming community can only manage to harvest about a ton of rice per lot (2 acres++ almost a hectare)...our farm produces more than a ton of rice per acre.

This is why SRI was scoffed at when the local rice farming community first learned that only one seedling per clump/hill is required for planting instead of the traditional 3-5 seedlings per clump/hill.

How can output be doubled by reducing input logic would ask?...but that's where the law of nature comes in. Put simply, the more mouths there are to feed the less food gets to every mouth and hence more food is required. Whereas if there are less mouths to feed more food gets to each mouth and the more tummies get bloated...

Then there is the question of space...there is very little oxygen in a box full of chicken than there are in a box with only a fowl. Based on our trials, we've concluded that spacings of 15 inches apart between seedlings is more ideal compared to using SRI's specified 10 inches to achieve the ideal yield per acre. As have been mentioned, SRI is a work in progress with improvements continually being made...therefore it is only natural for experimentations to be conducted in order to adapt the system to the local soil and land conditions. The wider spacing also allows for rain and sun to better reach the leaves.

Full info on SRI can be found at

Special mention to Dr Hj Sablee Hj Aspar for introducing to us the SRI system.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Beras Laila


Pengertian Laila
'Laila" adalah suatu perkataan yang bererti adil, bahagia, baik. Ianya juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu kesayangan yang menarik perhatian, berkesan dihati, nyata kebisaiannya, menyerlah kecantikannya, merupakan amat baik, berkebolehan, amat cantik, amat elok (elok dipandang mata), amat segak dan bergaya (gaya yang sempurna), gagah, berani, tersusun rapi dan adil laila bahagia. Contoh perkataan laila yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan keistimewaannya adalah seperti berikut iaitu, laila perkasa, laila bangsawan, laila setiawan, laila dermawan, laila kebajikan, laila berkesan, laila insan, laila jamput, laila bihar, laila budi, laila setuju,  laila fikiran, laila wahai dan sebagainya. (Sumber: Pusat Sejarah, Kementerian Kebudayaan, Belia dan Sukan).
Beras Laila
Pengeluaran padi/beras bagi varieti baru ini telah diusahakan oleh Jabatan Pertanian dan beberapa pengusaha padi sejak tahun 2006 dimana didapati prestasi dan hasil varieti ini adalah memuaskan iaitu sekitar 3 metrik tan (mt) sehektar berbanding dengan varieti tempatan yang ditanam pada masa ini yang hanya dapat dihasilkan setahun sekali iaitu kira-kira 1 mt sehektar.
Varieti ini juga adalah dari jenis varieti padi yang rendah, tidak mudah rebah dan boleh ditanam dua kali setahun. Varieti ini berasal dari International Rice Research Institute di Republik Filipina dengan nama asal IR67406-6-3-2-3. Sebelum ini, Jabatan Pertanian merujuk varieti ini sebagai BDR1 (Brunei Darussalam Rice One) bagi pengenalan awal.
Keterangan Nama Beras
'Laila' merupakan bahasa Melayu Brunei yang bermaksud tersangat (perihal kebaikan, adil, bahagia, baik). Perkataan 'Laila' dipilih bagi memperingati titah pertama Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam sewaktu baginda menaiki takhta pada 5 Oktober 1967 yang berbunyi:
"...maka Beta selaku Sultan dengan sedaya-upaya Beta akan berusaha pada menjalankan dasar-dasar Paduka Ayahanda dan akan sentiasa memelihara keamanan, ketenteraman dan laila usaha bagi kemakmuran negara serta memelihara dan mengharumkan nama baik negeri Brunei Darussalam juga mementingkan laila usaha meninggikan taraf kehidupan rakyat melalui laila rancangan dan kesejahteraan perkembangan negara yang telah dan sedang dibuat oleh Paduka Ayahanda dahulu, dan mudah-mudahan dengan izin Allah, Beta juga sentiasa akan menjaga dan memelihara dengan tidak kendur-kendurnya laila usaha mengenai ugama Islam benar-benar dan Adat Istiada Negeri Brunei"
Keterangan daripada Dayang Mardiah binti Haji Ramli
Pemenang Pertandingan Mencipta Nama Beras
Anjuran Jabatan Pertanian
Kementerian Perindustrian dan Sumber-Sumber Utama

Ciri-Ciri Padi / Beras Laila
Ketinggian Pokok (cm)95-100
Tempoh Kematangan (hari)105-110
Kelas KematanganMatang Awal
Timbangan 1000 butir/biji (g)26.2
Purata Hasil (tan/ha)5.0 - 6.8
Bentuk & Saiz bijiBeras Panjang
Ketahanan Terhadap Zat BesiSederhana Rintang
Reaksi terhadap fotokalaTidak peka terhadap fotokala

Beras Laila ini mempunyai nutrien mikro yang lebih berpatutan, kandungan karbohidrat dan serat (nutrien makro) yang rendah dan kandungan protein yang lebih tinggi berbanding dengan beras Hom Mali (Thai). Beras Laila ini juga setanding dengan beras tempatan yang lain seperti beras Pusu dan beras Adan dalam kandungan tenaga, lemak, karbohidrat dan serat manakala kandungan proteninya lebih tinggi berbanding kandungan protein beras tempatan.
Kandungan Nutrien
(Per 100g bahagian yang dimakan)
Tenaga (Kcal)353
Air (g)11.3
Protein (g)8.2
Lemak (g)1.0
Karbohidrat (g)77.8
Serat (g)0.2
Abu (g)1.5

Excerpt from DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND AGRIFOODMinistry of Industry and Primary Resources.